Pure health, in my experience, means getting to the root of the problem, no matter what it is, whether that means losing weight, changing eating habits, addressing chronic inflammation, adjusting thought patterns, or dealing with depression and anxiety. Learning why the problem exists, understanding when it started, how long it has been there, and what needs to be done to change it can assure the best outcome available. Being healthy does not mean looking great, achieving a certain weight, or even eating well. Pure health will eventually include many of these benefits, but it begins on the inside. Getting started can be simple, such as adjusting your daily exercise and eating habits. However, the real work is the mind. Focusing on your spiritual practices, relationships, and connections with yourself and others is the key. You might eat well, exercise consistently, and look good on the outside, yet carry anger, trauma from the past, bad relationships with family, partners, or friends, and feel lonely. You still need to work on those other parts of your life to feel good and be free in order to have pure health. Once you are in tune with your body and mind, you can take on a whole new level of preventive care for yourself to live your best life for the rest of your life.

Board Certified through AANWP

ISSA Certified Trainer & Nutritionist